Individually hand-painted, factory tuned and tank-tested, the floating Boogey will make a believer out of you. This bait features a quivering, tail slashing, rattling rumble that gamefish can’t resist. The wide horizontal profile creates a large target for Pike, Salmon, Trout, and Walleye to attack from any angle. While the skinny, vertical profile allows for a wicked, slashing tail movement. The razorback design creates water disturbance to trigger the aggressive predatory instincts from monsters that lurk deep. Overall, the Boogey is engineered to erratically dance and thrash through the strike zone in an unpredictable manner. Roll it slowly, burn it along the bottom and get ready for violent strikes.
The deep-diving bill allows the Boogey to dive 12 - 24 ft.
The body and weighting offer insane action fish can't resist.
Includes Razorback.
Includes Internal Rattle.
Available in 4 different sizes.
Available in 24 different colors.
Target Species:
Walleye, Trout, Salmon, Pike